Procedure manual

On the 28th November 2017,  SBNI launched the revised Regional Core Child Protection Policies and Procedures.  


These chapters have been organised with the Core Procedures in the most prominent place as these explain the actions that must be taken when there are concerns about the welfare of a child/young person and follows a natural sequence from Responding to Abuse and Neglect through to Child Protection Case Conference processes.

This manual replaces the ACPC Regional Child Protection Policy and Procedures that were issued in 2005. The ACPC Regional Policy and Procedures 2005 should therefore be stood down.

It is acknowledged that a number of the linked guidance documents make reference to the 2005 ACPC Regional Policies and Procedures. It is recognised that these need to be amended in light of these Regional Core Policy and Procedures and that organisations will need to review their own internal guidance documents to ensure that these align with the Regional Core Child Protection Policy and Procedures.

Click here to access Co-operating to Safeguard Children and Young People 2016 (revised August 2017) which is an important reference document.

To access the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland Procedures Manual